Disease and ongoing illness take its toll on our bodies, working them too hard and wearing them down. Wearing the out if we are not careful. When we slow everything down, we can heal faster. Here, we don’t even need to stick our heads under water. We are simply turning the moment into slow motion as it would feel underwater. Slowing our breath, our reactions, our thoughts, our heart rates so that our resting bodies can kick into high gear healing.
Continue reading Slow Motion Underwater HealingTag: mind body training
This is more than a Health Coach Training
The science is in. Diet and exercise alone are NOT the magic
Check out this Unique Training
The old approach to dieting isn’t working. Health coaching needs a makeover. We need more than eat this, not that. That’s what makes this Training stand apart from the rest. A Mind Body Eating Coach helps clients rethink food in an empowering way. I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to attend the free online workshop.
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