Way too easy to make a healthy nasal spray and with only 2 ingredients…
Continue reading DIY Nasal SprayWay too easy to make a healthy nasal spray and with only 2 ingredients…
Continue reading DIY Nasal SprayI love a good surprise. During chronic illness, we need all the treats we can get. I get so giddy with this kind of stuff…
Continue reading Surprise! This is a TreatAnother tool for your wellness journey toolbox. A way to step up your parasite cleansing regimen is the Mimosa Pudica Seed Challenge. Almost too simple, if that is possible.
Continue reading Mimosa Pudica Seed ChallengeTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on January 10th, 2020 at 2:21 PM ET and is called a Wolf Moon. Parasites have become common because toxicity is more common. Parasites thrive in a toxic body. Parasite mobility is increased during the full moon allowing the cleanse to be most effectively timed. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize true detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge January 2020MARCoNS resides in the nasal cavity, surviving in biofilms and creating exotoxins. Sometimes you can feel it in your nasal cavity, maybe even ears or jawbone, but not always. These biofilms make it difficult to treat, but not impossible. Labels like MARCoNS may or may not be helpful. The label itself does not solve the problem. But the information that one has MARCoNS provides some valuable information. Let’s use the information to get to the solution!
Continue reading MARCoNS – Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative StaphylococciTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on November 12th, 2019 at 8:34 AM ET and is called a Beaver Moon. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge November 2019Chronic illness has kicked our bums, wiped us out, destroyed our lives, relationships and finances. It is easy to ask “WHY the heck did it happen” and more importantly “WHY did it happen to me.” Very logical and reasonable questions. What about the WHY NOT? Why can I NOT find my way through chronic illness? Why can I NOT see hope? Why can I NOT breakthrough these health barriers? Is this really NOT possible? I actually have the WHY NOT answer and have applied it with victories galore. You too can do this…
Continue reading Asking Why Not, Instead of WhyRarely will I be the one to say that we should push hard, push through, battle, or war, especially during chronic illness. That is too much stress on our physical bodies, too much emotional stress and not enough self-care and it actually sets us back. Yet, there are exceptions when pushing hard through
Pooping monsters!!! Might as well make fun of the critters that are wreaking havoc on our health while we move them out and flush them away. Take full advantage of your natural drainage and detox pathways with the Poop Pack (discount code in the blog). Let’s get moving…
Continue reading Pooping MonstersTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on October 13th, 2019 at 12:33 AM ET and is called a Full Hunter’s or Harvest Moon. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge October 2019