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Frozen Psychology

Frozen psychology, blue mind, rising above chronic illness

You know for a fact that we get stuck from time to time during chronic illness. We get stuck in physical and emotional realities that seem impossible to overcome. So how do we get unstuck? Some will actually take the frozen plunge into chilly waters, forcing a shock. Not me! But I have taken on the frozen psychology of cold showers to bust through some chronic illness struggles.

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Dancing In The Rain

Blue-mind, dancing in the rain while chronically ill.

Do you feel like you are in a desert, with no rain and all alone in chronic illness? What would it take to celebrate? Rain!!! Okay, so this picture is just a mirage but I really did find some serious dancing kangaroos. As in real kangaroos and real rain. They were clearly celebrating (look below for the real picture). In light of the recent fires in Australia, there is even more significance to the photo. It won awards! You will be able to feel the rain as you view it.

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Healthy Baths With A Blue-Mind

Blue-mind healthy baths for the spirit as well as the body

I need a blue-mind moment. Need this cute adorable little girl and bubbles to make me think happy thoughts. I need my healthy bath with its calming and healing attributes. Yep, I am a bit needy today. This little girl in her bubble bath is bringing a smile to my face and calming my spirit as well as my body.

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Jumping Into Blue-Mind Winter

jumping into blue-mind winter

Jumping into a Blue-Mind winter mindset supports us during the difficulties of chronic illness. Winter can be associated with isolation because of the weather. It can be a time of harsh realities and hardships with suffering. It is frigid and uncomfortable for many. So, what can we do with a Blue-Mind Winter to help us through chronic illness…

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