I need a blue-mind moment. Need this cute adorable little girl and bubbles to make me think happy thoughts. I need my healthy bath with its calming and healing attributes. Yep, I am a bit needy today. This little girl in her bubble bath is bringing a smile to my face and calming my spirit as well as my body.
Bubbles, sunshine and this completely adorable little girl are helping me through a “needy” day.
Yep, I have a lot of needs today. Or at least that is how I feel. Perception is a tricky thing. As I am working through it, many needs are being met by making good healthy choices.
Recently I learned that I have radiation oozing out of me. At first, I could not imagine why. No radiation treatments. I don’t live in a toxic dump. Hummmm.
I did figure out the source and after the shock, wrote about that story – I will post it soon.
Then I figured out that I need special “radiation baths” to help me detox some of this intense radiation from my body.
Ohhhh, ahhhh, my-oh-my are they calming. No bubbles, so I needed this little lady to bring me bubbles, sunshine and smiles to my day.
It took me all day to get my spirit calmed which is not like me.
It took a blue-mind today to help get me there.
Blue-mind is using water to calm oneself. We don’t all live on magnificent white sandy beaches to easily soak in the blue-mind thinking and benefits of the ocean. Sometimes we simply have to create them in other WATER ways, like baths.
Today’s blue-mind experience was my radiation detox bath and what the water and all of its goodness could do, ever so gently, pull some of those toxins out.
It is a very hot bath that is timed for 20 minutes. I will be telling you the recipe with ingredients in a future blog.
While I squished my shoulders down into it, curled my toes up to fit in, I was able to take a breath and relax. With the timer on I didn’t have to keep checking the clock. My focus was on feeling the water, feeling the experience.

I could keep thinking about this unknown sweet precious little girl playing on the porch in the sunshine. Could think about the fun she must have had with all the bubbles. Thought about what it would be like for a child to a “perfect” childhood.
I soaked in that carefree childish life for my 20-minute soak.
I truthfully have no recollection of a bath as a child. But I do remember the nightly baths I gave to my young children. The bubbles, the giggles, the fun.
Nothing is perfect in life but I sure could pretend it for 20 minutes in my healthy bath while I soaked my worries away.
It sounds great I think I’ll take one myself!! 🛁😊
Bubbles and giggles are right up your alley. Enjoy the stress relief!!