Yep, I would consider myself a social misfit. So sick for so long and so isolated has created a “social misfit.” That’s okay, I am working my way out of it!!! I am finding victory and loving it.
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Fail Forward – Cycology
Our grandparents would tell us that failing creates a learning experience, it builds character. They surely are right but I need more incentive than that to keep this up. The only motivation I can find after all these years of illness is the fact that I am failing forward. I am getting closer and closer to healing because I am willing to have some failures along the way that keep me moving forward. The bumps and bruises of failing forward are so worth it.
Continue reading Fail Forward – CycologyNot Everything Is Worth Figuring Out
Exactly who said we have to figure out everything?? Not everything is worth figuring out. Some things are better left alone.
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How do you treat someone you love? Usually, we are kind and loving, giving, put their needs above our own, etc. Okay, so we don’t get all that perfect all the time but you know how you desire to treat the ones you love. How do you treat yourself? Are you kind to yourself? Do you take care of your needs while you are chronically ill? Are you gracious in your attitude about yourself? Are we treating ourselves like we would treat someone else or are we rude, unkind, name-calling, and not stepping up to take care of basic needs?
Continue reading Treat Yourself Like Someone You LovePanic or Anxiety Attack vs Physical Overwhelm
Ever been so physically overwhelmed that it didn’t matter what you called it, it STUNK??? Anyone with almost any illness clearly knows physical overwhelm. We have to stop and deal with whatever. Sometimes panic or anxiety attacks kick in and they are quite different but they cause a physical overwhelm. Sorting it out a little can help us navigate social situations so we are not so isolated while we are chronically ill.
Continue reading Panic or Anxiety Attack vs Physical OverwhelmComparing Illness Journeys Has Its Limits
There are SO many illnesses and so many variables that no two people can possibly have the same illness journey. No two experiences can be exactly the same, impossible. When we compare ourselves to others, we are either overly disappointed or overly self-superior to others. Either way, it does not serve us to compare. We can heal faster when we let comparisons go.
Continue reading Comparing Illness Journeys Has Its LimitsMatching Reality With Expectations
There are so many ups and downs with
Set Aside Goofy Pride During Illeness
All humans do goofy things. The goofy feels magnified when we are ill. No one is so cool that they are above this. Pride can sometimes drive our goofy actions and blindside us. During illness, set the goofy pride aside!!
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Don’t you get tired of hearing your own thinking sometimes while you are ill? Shake up the brain rattle, the endless chatter in our heads with some noise. Make it fun, make it different. Turn up the volume and let’s see if we can get our self-chatter to step aside for some real noise.
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