Our bodies are healthiest when they have the ability to adapt. During chronic illness, this can become a joke. Everything has become harder. Every season we have the opportunity to change things up and get our bodies in the adaptation mode, one tiny baby step at a time. This is a fun way to challenge our bodies very gently into better health.
Continue reading Autumn Adaptations For Better HealthTag: seasonal diet for health
Beauty of Autumn, Seeing the Abundance
Many of you have the season of Autumn in full force. The leaves have turned color and they are falling on the cooler days and nights. For those of us who like the cooler weather to chill the fire of illness, we are provided a season to get outside and breathe in the crisp nourishment of Autumn. Can we see the abundance in the magnificent colors, the cool winds, and the plentiful foods? Don’t let the change of season slip by just because of chronic illness.
Continue reading Beauty of Autumn, Seeing the Abundance