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Stop the Roller-Coaster-Ride of Chronic Illness

How does one get off the roller-coaster-ride of chronic illness and pain? If I could put the answer in a pill I would be a billionaire overnight. There are too many who are suffering through this miserable ride.  Healthy people who have not experienced this ride cannot begin to imagine. Instead of trying to make others understand, let’s look at ways to get off the ride in an attempt to find some steady ground.  Continue reading Stop the Roller-Coaster-Ride of Chronic Illness

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Momentary Stuckness

Stuckness is probably not a real word but it is a reality when we get stuck. No point in pretending we don’t get stuck at times, most of us do. Chronic illness comes back to bite us at times when we least expect it. That is when we just stop, rest, regroup and try again, later. Physically our bodies do not always keep up with our desires in life. I do not have to like it but I choose to accept it and let my body rest until it is ready to try again. Continue reading Momentary Stuckness

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Depression Blues go Orange

The color yellow (and orange) help with depression blues. Whether it is the yellow sun, a yellow pineapple, juicy oranges or essential oils of citrus, it lifts the blues immediately. If you don’t believe me, try it.  Continue reading Depression Blues go Orange

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Lean Into It

How do you drive your vehicle? Have you noticed that when you are driving on a curve that speeding up just a little actually helps you keep control of your vehicle? You might not have noticed. Maybe you have never tried it. The next time you are on a curve just slightly speed up and notice the control issue. Also try taking your foot off of the gas and feel how much harder it is to control the vehicle. I do not suggest placing your foot on the brake while in a curve, it is harder to control your vehicle. Leaning into a curve at full speed (safely using the speed limit) seems backwards but helps you ride the curve with more control and ease. Life is that way. It is going to happen anyway so you might as well lean into it so you get better results.  Continue reading Lean Into It

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Just Keep Moving Forward

No matter what, just keep moving forward. If you have a goal, keep moving towards it. If you are sick and so sick of being sick and you are too frustrated to have a goal, move forward anyway. Even when we do not always feel like we are making any progress whatsoever, when we put one foot in front of the other, no matter how small the step, we really are moving forward.  Continue reading Just Keep Moving Forward

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Nose Above Water

When you fight the troubles that come with life, you can drown in them. How many times have you heard not to fight the person rescuing you when you are drowning? There is no possible way that anyone can have a perfectly happy life all of the time. There will be troubles, I can promise that one. Learning how to relax into these troubles make them easier to bear. So bob your nose above water, stop fighting, and relax into it. Continue reading Nose Above Water

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Swing High, Swing Fun

When was the last time you slowed down and sat on a swing, as an adult? Do you remember how much fun you had as a kid with the wind in your hair and getting a bird’s eye view of the playground? It is a ball. Swinging can be very relaxing and bring a smile to your face as an adult. When was the last time you saw an NFL player on a swing?

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No one can take away our attitude

Waking up to mornings with a smile on our face, sunshine, and flowers seems like a good way to start the day. Regardless of what happens next in life, getting started with a good attitude helps. When we are ill and stuck in bed we can ponder the meaning of life with a smile on our face. What is life really about? Is life about what happens to you or about how you respond to it? As you well know, life is going to happen to you regardless of your attitude. Through anything you can imagine life still clicks away; illness, disease, pain, people, war, imprisonment, bankruptcy, employment or unemployment, relationships, adversity, and oppression. The list is endless and the fact remains, how we respond to life will always be more important than what we are faced with, flat on our back sick or not. So what can we do about life’s twists and turns?

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Giddy With Excitement

When was the last time you were so excited you were giddy? I mean actually giddy. The kind that feels like a kid in wonderland. I don’t want to walk. I don’t want to take one step at a time. I want to run towards the light, fling open the doors and soak in all that life has to offer. I can see it right in front of me. I can feel rays of hope surround me. I know that it is just right there, right in front of me.  I can see the opening beaming with sunshine and the inviting doorknob. Let’s go….

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Guys, Dig Roses!

Guys, have you considered buying your lady a rose bush instead of store-bought roses? Are you aware of the difference in scent and beauty? Are you aware that one bush can yield dozens of yearly roses, year after year? Did you know that one plant costs less than 6 store-bought roses? Did you know that YOU will be remembered and given credit for each and every rose that bush produces? Rose bushes can take as much or as little care as you are willing to put into them and still produce beautiful roses. The benefits are something to consider. The clincher is that you can buy them at your local hardware store or big-box home improvement store. Many of you are already there so you are running out of excuses. Dig a hole next to your door or in a pot and make your lady happy. Gals, do this for yourself as a treat. Easy and rewarding.

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