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Relax in YOUR Cabin

Chronic illness and pain create so much stress that at some point we need to find a way to relax and chill. Many of you love cruises and can relax that way. I am not a cruise loving fan so I find other ways to dream about relaxing. A cabin in the mountains on a lake is my idea of a grand chill. Continue reading Relax in YOUR Cabin

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Nose Above Water

When you fight the troubles that come with life, you can drown in them. How many times have you heard not to fight the person rescuing you when you are drowning? There is no possible way that anyone can have a perfectly happy life all of the time. There will be troubles, I can promise that one. Learning how to relax into these troubles make them easier to bear. So bob your nose above water, stop fighting, and relax into it. Continue reading Nose Above Water