It is the easy natural things that can calm our bodies and our minds and get us farther down the healing road. Herbs and essential oils are two of the easiest to add to your daily routine and receive the most benefits. Keep it simple, keep it inexpensive.
Continue reading Herbs & Essential Oils Super BundleCategory: Finances with illness
Avocado Face Mask
Avocado face masks are known for nourishing and revitalizing the skin, of all skin types. These natural green wonders are super easy to make from ingredients you already have.
Continue reading Avocado Face MaskSlice In The Avocados, Slice Out The Cost
Avocados are expensive, organic even pricier. We can slice out some of the cost and get our healthy fats at the same time.
Continue reading Slice In The Avocados, Slice Out The Cost10 Opportunities for Cost of Illness
Medical expenses are the number one cause of bankruptcy. Something wrong with that picture. The longer we are stuck in chronic illness, the more it costs. The cost of illness is astronomical. Add on the time away from work or complete loss of ability to work and illness can be a financial disaster. There are no easy answers but there are opportunities for cost of illness. Let’s try to fix our piggy banks.
Continue reading 10 Opportunities for Cost of Illness