Medical expenses are the number one cause of bankruptcy. Something wrong with that picture. The longer we are stuck in chronic illness, the more it costs. The cost of illness is astronomical. Add on the time away from work or complete loss of ability to work and illness can be a financial disaster. There are no easy answers but there are opportunities for cost of illness. Let’s try to fix our piggy banks.
You are not alone. Medical expenses are the number one cause of bankruptcy. Statistics = Medical Bankruptcy and the Economy
Don’t get stuck in how depressing that reality is. There are opportunities to deal with the cost of illness. I know it is not easy but there are things we can do to help us through the financial storm.
Opportunities to deal with cost of illness pop up here and there and if we do not see it staring us in the face, we pay more to get through
Opportunity 1
This is the toughest concept for many: No one really and truly owes us anything just because we are ill.
When we can adapt our thinking to that basic concept, we become more grateful when someone provides anything.
Opportunity 2
Gratitude turns into abundance.
It is wild how it works. When we have established gratitude in our hearts, we are able to display gratitude.
Then when we are truly grateful for the discounts and freebies along the way, we seem to be given more.
At first, it might not feel like abundance, but do this enough years and you will see that all the little gifts of kindness and help received along the way are precious treasures.
Opportunity 3
Give back to others.
This is not tit-for-tat but it is always good to give, not just receive.
No matter how bad your illness situation is, there is something you can do for another. Even having a simple good thought or prayer for another can be done while you are flat on your back in bed.
Opportunity 4
Examine your priorities. Examine what you can do for yourself to help your own situation with illness and finances.
Is the cost of a healthy diet to get you better more important than cable TV?
It is hard to give up what we think is normal because there is not enough money while we are ill.
You get the idea. Look at your priorities.
Opportunity 5
Determine value of what others are offering at a discount or free.
Not everything free is worth diddly!!
As you move through your healing journey you will get connected to certain people, organizations, groups, products that you know you receive great value from.
Some of the discounted or free stuff is simply junk or worthless. Keep it simple, politely decline anything that does not bring YOU value.
All free health groups are not beneficial or provide a healing environment. Give yourself permission to remove yourself from any group that is distressing in any way. When there is negative talk, people attacking each other, critical comments that bring you down, DROP OUT.
There is great value in taking control of the amount of negativity you allow.
Opportunity 6
Are you willing to receive FREE education to help yourself?
The more you learn, the less expensive the journey usually will be.
Balance in everything: We can become information junkies and not apply our knowledge to our lifestyle. There is no value in education unless you apply it!! And not all education is of value.
FREE Health Education – sign up for FREE education summits, seminars, courses that you can do from home online while you are ill and in bed wondering what to do next. I do my best to sift through the plethora of free health education to narrow down the good stuff.
Opportunity 7
Practicing loyalty within reason.
When you connect with someone that provides value for your illness and wellness journey, your loyalty can be financially beneficial for you, providing Opportunity for Cost of Illness.
There are all kinds of “loyalty” reward programs that help reduce the cost of products or services. Choice wisely and you will gain financially.
As a health coach and selling my favorite products, I know that the people who are “loyal” to my efforts to help them, receive more effort and discounts from me. I thrive on others success so I am willing to go the extra mile to help someone. There are many people out there who feel the same and offer the same assistance.
Opportunity 8
You get what you pay for.
There are quality products out there that are worth every penny. Their quality is so pure, so effective, that it REDUCES overall cost of illness.
Opportunity 9
Accepting that we need to be still and stop throwing money at the illness, at specific times.
When we push too hard, take on too many treatments at one time, our bodies can get overwhelmed. Our bodies do not respond well to being pushed and pulled too many directions at once. The one who spends the most money on the most treatments does not always win the race!!
It is okay to settle into a treatment plan or a health protocol and let it do its work.
Opportunit 10
Be open to “Opportunities for Cost of Illness.”
There really are people out there who are willing to help in your time of need. No one single person can solve all of the financial distress that usually comes with chronic illness. Open your eyes and your heart to sincere offers to help you, the offers that provide value for YOU.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging and social media activities, I may receive monetary compensation for links to products from this post. However, I only recommend products that I personally love and use myself. If it is not good enough for me, it certainly is not good enough for you!!
HEALTH COACH DISCLAIMER: Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained and certified Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.