Avocado face masks are known for nourishing and revitalizing the skin, of all skin types. These natural green wonders are super easy to make from ingredients you already have.
What we put on our skin gets absorbed into our bodies, so let’s make our own face masks from the nourishing ingredients that we put in our bellies!!
Avocado Nourishment
Avocados are one of the top healthiest foods on the planet. They are actually a fruit.
Avocados are packed with skin-friendly benefits including critical healthy fats in addition to various antioxidants, multiple trace vitamins
Avocado masks are very hydrating and help restore a youthful glow to your skin.
Science Cookies ~ Nutrients of Avocados from USDA National Nutrient Database
Nourishing Your Face
Hopefully, organic avocados are in your diet so you have them in your home – Slice In The Avocados, Slice Out The Cost.
Making a mask is super easy. Start with the ingredients you already have in your home (assuming you have transitioned away from processed foods and added in pure nourishing ingredients).
Avocados are good for all skin types:
- Acne Prone Skin – avocado kills acne-causing bacteria while providing essential nutrients
- Dry Skin – avocado reaches the inner layers of the skin to impart elasticity and soothes even extremely dry skin
- Oily Skin – avocado nourishes with healthy fats, relieving the need for skin to become so oily
- Sensitive Skin – avocados are very gentle and mild on the skin and 100% natural, free from chemicals
- Aging Skin – avocado works wonders to slow down the aging process
- Wrinkles – avocados are packed with Vitamin B, vitamin E, and amino acids to reduce wrinkles and encourage production of elastin

Kitchen Search
You only need one or two other ingredients besides avocados to make an effective facial wonder, promoting skin health.
Do not use any ingredient, if you are sensitive or allergic to it.
Don’t waste money, look in your cupboards and refrigerator for any of the following:
- Lemon Juice – is rich in vitamin C and citric acids, which helps in lighten and brighten your skin
- Banana – contains potassium which helps to regulate water in your cells – contains potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin C helps to promote clear and glowing skin
- Turmeric – fresh or powdered – has been used for natural beauty treatments for centuries, that can reduce scar and dark spots – also contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties (where to purchase)
- Cucumber – contains ascorbic acid and caffeic acid which helps to reduce skin irritation
- Carrots – peeled and raw or cooked – potassium-rich to prevent skin dryness and have anti-inflammatory properties (where to purchase)
- Oatmeal – powdered or cooked – rich in vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, copper, iron, vitamin B, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, and zinc – oats can remove dead skin, reduce inflammation and nourish your skin (where to purchase)
- Honey – is naturally antibacterial, so it is great for acne treatment and prevention (where to purchase)
- Yogurt – works well for acne-prone skin because it has lactic acid that kills bacteria – contains calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, magnesium, and potassium – lactic acid present in yogurt help to remove dead skin cells, tighten pores and lighten the appearance of dark spots
- Kefir – works to restore your skin’s pH balance – contains calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, magnesium, and potassium – lactic acid present in kefir help to remove dead skin cells, tighten pores and lighten the appearance of dark spots
- Coconut Oil – is extensively used in many beauty products for it has antibacterial and antifungal properties – it hydrates and nourishes your skin (where to purchase)
- Olive Oil – a couple of drops makes a mask even more moisturizing (where to purchase)
- Avocado Oil – use the oil for extra moisturizing (where to purchase)
- Aloe Vera Gel – as a remedy for skin conditions, including burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis and cold sores (where to purchase)
- Coffee Grounds – tightens and exfoliates (where to purchase)
- Egg Whites – has an astringent property that helps to shrink your skin pores and makes your skin firm – remove excess oil and other impurities on your skin
Bathroom Search
Also look in your bathroom for any of the following you already own:
- Clay Powder (where to purchase)
- Aloe Vera (where to purchase)
- Vitamin C Powder – you can open up 2-5 capsules (where to purchase)
Get Ready
Unfortunately, avocado turns brown fast, so you’ll have to use these masks as you make them.
Collect an avocado and 2 or 3 of the above ingredients you found in your kitchen or bathroom.
You can use a blender (I like Magic Bullet because it is good for these small jobs).
Or you can use a fork to mash the avocado and the other ingredients together in a glass bowl.
- Prepare your mask and place in a glass bowl and walk to the bathroom.
- Wash your face and neck with a pure natural gentle soap.
- Place a warm washcloth over your face for 20 – 30 seconds. This will help open your pores so your skin can take in all the nutritious goodness of the mask.
- Lather on the mask with your fingertips
- Leave the mask on for 10-30 minutes (if you are new to an ingredient, test on
small patch of skin first) - Gently wipe off with a warm moist cloth.
Relax and Enjoy!!
Relax and enjoy what nature can do for your skin.
Nourishment comes in many forms. The nutrients from the pure ingredients
Don’t stress about an exact recipe for a mask. Take the crazy cost of going natural out of this by using what you have. Enjoy the experience of nourishing your face, body, soul, and your finances.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging and social media activities, I may receive monetary compensation for links to products from this post. However, I only recommend products that I personally love and use myself. If it is not good enough for me, it certainly is not good enough for you!!
HEALTH COACH DISCLAIMER: Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained and certified Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.