What is one man’s weed, is another’s nourishment. Dandelions are good for you all the way from their brilliant yellow tips through their deep green leaves and down to the tips of their roots. And us silly humans treat this nutrient-dense wonder as a weed…

Dandelion Flowers
The brilliant yellow dandelion flower contains compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The below studies are on dandelion flower extracts, not the fresh dandelion flower. Yet, the fresh dandelion flower is an edible beautiful and fun addition to salads or a garnish to any meal.
- Dandelion contains compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties ~ GreenMedInfo
- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has potent antioxidant activity attributable to its phenolic content ~ GreenMedInfo
- The Physiological Effects of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) in Type 2 Diabetes ~ NCBI

Dandelion Greens
Cut up some dandelion greens and add them to any salad. They have a hardy taste, like arugula. Using bitter greens for better health!!!!
We now can find fresh dandelion greens in health food and specialty stores. Also check your local farmer’s markets. They are crazy expensive though, so you might want to try your hand at picking your own.

Dandelion Roots
Usually, the dandelion root is made into a tea. It is NOT to be consumed daily for long periods of time.
- Traditional Medicinals – Organic Roasted Dandelion Root Tea – 2 boxes
- Traditional Medicinals – Organic Roasted Dandelion Root Tea – 3 boxes
- Yogi Tea – Roasted Dandelion Spice
DeTox – Healthy Cleansing Formula – 6 Pack - Raw Organic – Dandelion Root Tea – 5 Pack

Dandelion Plant
There is a caution to the dandelion plant, you don’t want to eat it every single day. Or for that matter, drink it as a tea daily. Listen to your body and use your common sense.
It usually increases urination after consumption. That is a good thing, but like everything, you don’t want to overdo it, too hard on the kidneys/liver.
- The Diuretic Effect in Human Subjects of an Extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a Single Day ~ NCBI
Dig Deeper, Learn More
Before going out and picking a dandelion to eat, know your chemicals.
Nature gives us the food we need and we turn around and pour round-up on it, one of the most toxic chemicals ever. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is designed to be toxic to plants, so let’s use our common sense and realize how toxic it is to humans.
Dig up your dandelions and eat them, don’t spray them with roundup.
- Roundup “Weed Killer” Contributed to CA Man’s Cancer; 100’s of Billions in Future Liability for Monsanto-Bayer ~ GreenMedInfo
- Roundup Herbicide 125 Times More Toxic Than Regulators Say ~ GreenMedInfo
- Scientific Consensus Statement Reveals Roundup Herbicide A Major Health Threat ~ GreenMedInfo
- 244 Scientific Abstracts proving that roundup herbicide is a toxic ingredient ~ GreenMedInfo
Know What You Are Doing
Be cautious when picking wild weeds…

Source: Fix.com Blog

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