The chronically ill have a significant advantage over the general public during this virus crisis.
Continue reading Advantages Of The Chronically Ill During This Global CrisisThe chronically ill have a significant advantage over the general public during this virus crisis.
Continue reading Advantages Of The Chronically Ill During This Global CrisisI heard something today that I found helpful. Even the most chilled out person will be affected by the stress of this global virus situation. Instead of telling everyone to calm down, maybe we should recognize that these are legitimate feelings of added stress. Staying cool when life heats up is a balance, it is a skill, it takes all the tools we can tap into. We just are not always going to get it right.
Continue reading Stay Cool When Life Heats UpNumber one easy most effective tool there is during this nutty time — wash your hands!! Hand sanitizers are no longer available, make you own. Super easy.
Continue reading CoronaVirus Hand Sanitizer DIYNow that life has slowed down to focus on a virus, let’s take a look at it so it is not so scary. And then we are going to see why this is the perfect time to activate our brains. Yes, even though we are chronically ill, we can use our brains. This is fun, you will see…
Continue reading CoronaVirus and Its Many NamesWhat is the real threat with this, who are the ones who truly are in danger? The people with compromised immune systems. Since this is a chronic illness blog that encompasses pretty much everyone in my online community. Instead of panic and fear, fight back. You already know you are at higher risk simply because of your state of chronic illness, so step up and take the simple steps to stay safe, without panic.
Continue reading CoronaVirus, Keeping It Simple To Fight BackTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on March 9, 2020, at 1:48 PM ET and is called a Full Worm Moon. Parasites have become common because toxicity is more common. Parasites thrive in a toxic body. Parasite mobility is increased during the full moon allowing the cleanse to be most effectively timed. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize true detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge March 2020Who would have thunk we could possibly come up with a National Poop Day. This event occurs the day after Super Bowl Sunday. In 2020, this is February 3rd. TODAY. Since we become reckless in our eating for the Super Bowl, let’s celebrate with poop-health by having a tailgate party…
Continue reading National Poop Day 2020 Tail-Gate PartyTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on February 9, 2020, at 2:33 AM ET and is called a Snow Moon. Parasites have become common because toxicity is more common. Parasites thrive in a toxic body. Parasite mobility is increased during the full moon allowing the cleanse to be most effectively timed. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize true detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge February 2020Another tool for your wellness journey toolbox. A way to step up your parasite cleansing regimen is the Mimosa Pudica Seed Challenge. Almost too simple, if that is possible.
Continue reading Mimosa Pudica Seed ChallengeTime to get ready for the Full Moon Challenge. The next full moon will occur on January 10th, 2020 at 2:21 PM ET and is called a Wolf Moon. Parasites have become common because toxicity is more common. Parasites thrive in a toxic body. Parasite mobility is increased during the full moon allowing the cleanse to be most effectively timed. With a decrease in melatonin weakening the immune system and an increase in serotonin enabling parasite mobility, it’s the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize true detox results.
Continue reading Full Moon Challenge January 2020