The chronically ill have a significant advantage over the general public during this virus crisis.
You might (or might not) be seeing the very obvious if you are chronically ill. We have distinct advantages over the general population.
Chronic itself means long term. We have already been in this state for a very long time. We know what it is like to be ill. We have had practice, lots and lots of it. We are not new to the obstacles and struggles of being ill.
The chronically ill already have their health care in place. We already have practitioners that we like and trust in place. Okay, that might not be a perfect statement but we sure have been to enough practitioners by now to know which ones we prefer and which ones are more beneficial to our needs. That is HUGE. We do not need to start from scratch if we become ill.
Isolation from the current global crisis is hitting people hard. Well, do I need to tell a chronically ill person how to adapt to isolation, no. We have practice in isolation. We know the difficulties of it. We know the facts of isolation, it just simply has to be at times.
Loneliness is overwhelming to many who are hit by the global crisis. Emotionally isolation hits people hard through loneliness. The chronically ill have already faced loneliness and the emotional suffering head-on. We actually can be the ones to step up and help others adapt to the emotional issues that come with loneliness from isolation and health chaos.
The chronically ill have their toolboxes already. We already have an emotional toolbox of things to settle our nerves, calm our spirits, breathe deeper. We already have our toolboxes filled with various remedies that help us on a physical level. Do you remember when all of this was new to us? This is now new to others, and this is the standard operating procedure for the chronically ill!!!
Oh, do the chronically ill know more about their health and their bodies than the average person. We have been up to our eyeballs in how to overcome illness, how to care for our bodies, which things work, which things don’t. We have already been immersed in it. We are not starting from scratch like the masses right now.
Spiritually we are at an advantage. We have had to face our mortality from chronic illness. We have already had to find a higher power. We have already had to rely on something bigger than ourselves. God is available to everyone, no matter what.
Global pandemic for the chronically ill can be viewed as, “its about time.” Let’s take Lyme disease as an example (and all of its co-infections). Those with chronic Lyme disease are usually informed of the masses who have it and don’t even know it. Even the CDC has been declaring for a few years that there are 300,000 new cases a year only in the United States. World wide the numbers are staggering. Those numbers are significantly larger than the current global pandemic.
Any of you who have been on CellCore are at a distinct advantage. We have already been supporting our bodies with the very best products and protocols out there.
Follow me on this one because it is very important to understand…
The whole premise of the protocol and products is to build your mitochondria health which gives us energy and strength to support our immune systems. We already have been removing the toxins, parasites, pathogens, chemicals that deplete our immune system. It is our immune system that will fight the coronavirus. See what I am saying? We are in the very best of the best position of everyone out there.
The products are basically anti-viral. CoronaVirus is a virus.
The products support our body to have the strength and energy to fight off viruses.
Not on the products yet, never too late. They can help support every cell, every one of your mitochondria during this stressful time.
- MitoATP is an immune signaler
- BioActive Carbon Minerals directly support the immune system
- HM-ET Binder to eradicate viruses
- ViRadChem Binder (which is 1/3 HM-ET) to eradicate viruses
- BioMolecular Oxygen acts as a support agent in the healing process to ensure oxygen is supplied to any damaged cells
- Drainage (by keeping drainage moving throughout the body, toxins that trap viruses are more likely to move right on out of your body) Poop Pack
That knowledge is an advantage over the general public. These are things you can do for yourself right now.
Keep it simple…
- Perceiving the advantages you have because you are already chronically ill can transform this pandemic experience for you
- This is your time to shine – step up and reach out to others (via phone or Internet) and support others who are struggling with the emotional aspects of the pandemic
- Take whatever nutrition you have in your home
- Take your supplements of whatever you already have available to you
- Monitor your stress level — you already have the practice, kick it into high gear
CoronaVirus & COVID-19 and the Chronically Ill
During this pandemic, I am here to help the chronically ill. Health coaching is still available – contact me, I am happy to help. I will be writing often on the subject and the different aspects that the chronically ill face at this time.
Quick link to all of my CoronaVirus blogs