What is the real threat with this, who are the ones who truly are in danger? The people with compromised immune systems. Since this is a chronic illness blog that encompasses pretty much everyone in my online community. Instead of panic and fear, fight back. You already know you are at higher risk simply because of your state of chronic illness, so step up and take the simple steps to stay safe, without panic.
What makes any virus deadly is what it does to the person with a compromised immune system. Think about the flu season. Who gets warned? The elderly with compromised immune systems, the ill and weak. Same with CoronaVirus. It is mainly people with struggling immune systems, like the chronically ill who are the highest risk.
Don’t hide in fear, fight back. You know the facts, the stronger your immune system, the better off you will be. So what can you do today to support your immune system?
Support Immune System & Antivirals
CellCore has the most effective natural products for this exact situation…
- MitoATP is an immune signaler
- BioActive Carbon Minerals directly support the immune system
- HM-ET Binder to eradicate viruses
- ViRadChem Binder (which is 1/3 HM-ET) to eradicate viruses
- BioMolecular Oxygen acts as a support agent in the healing process to ensure oxygen is supplied to any damaged cells
- Drainage (by keeping drainage moving throughout the body, toxins that trap viruses are more likely to move right on out of your body) Poop Pack
Personally, I am on ALL CellCore products plus LDM 100 and Vitamin C to cover CoronaVirus. I completely trust CellCore products to be natural and safe and most of all effective.
Other basic natural supportive measures…
- Vitamin C (even China has implemented Vit C with success against CoronaVirus)
- Zinc capsules
- Herbal antiviral tinctures
- LDM 100
- Cod Liver Oil capsules – a good source of Vitamin D to support immune system
- Eat fresh herbs
- Essential Oils – use them for cleaning and in a diffuser
The MitoATP and Minerals upregulate the mitochondria for virus protection.
The HM-ET and ViRadChem are made with humic and fulvic acids which “shreds” the virus and create an immune response forevermore – on a DNA structure. A fulvic molecule can cross the cell wall without damaging it – nanoscience. Nano means amazingly small.
If you are already on the CellCore protocol, you are 1,000 steps more protected than the average person. You are already building your mitochondria to give you the energy to support your immune system. If you are one of the thousands currently on the protocol, take a deep breath and realize you are in the very best position with the CoronaVirus.

Be One of Sound Mind
Be the person in the midst of this chaos to be of sound mind. Make reasonable and appropriate choices to be safe but not falling prey to fear and pandemonium.
You are not a victim. Don’t panic and lower your own immune system by your own fear. You are equipped with the knowledge and tools to strengthen your immune system and fight back against the chaos.
Don’t listen to others who stir up fear inside of you, it is not good for you.
Instead, be of sound mind and take action steps to protect yourself in very reasonable ways.
Viruses are contagious, so is panic, fear, hysteria, calm, love, enthusiasm, kindness and joy. Choose wisely!
Protection Steps
EMF’s matter during this pandemic. Pay attention to 5G and try to stay away from it, it zaps your immune system. Look at your computer/phone/pads. Do they run off of 5G? Is so, contact your Internet provider and have them switch off the 5G. You will still receive Internet service, it just won’t be the dangerous 5G that makes our current state of affairs more dangerous for you. Nothing we can do about the satellites already in place but we can control what we are using on our devices. Turn OFF/unplug your Internet modem at night so you are not being bombarded 24 hours a day.
Do basic commonsense strategies for your health that will support your immune system…
- Healthy diet
- Staying hydrated
- Sleep
- Hygienic practices (simply wash your hands more during this time)
- Lower EMF’s, especially 5G that zaps the immune system
- Lower stress
- Monitor your fear level over this CoronaVirus situation
- Do NOT listen to fear-mongering media
- Do NOT spend hours on social media reading fear-based thoughts of others
- When it is appropriate, head to the grocery store for food and supplies so that you have what you need (but without panic)
Action Steps
In this one short blog alone, I have given you 23 action steps to protect yourself against CoronaVirus. These steps are super easy and basic. Surely you already have 10 available at your fingertips, use them!!!
You have the power within yourself to stay calm, do action steps to stay safe and healthy and you can stay above the chaos.

Proper Perspective
When we put the CoronaVirus into perspective, it has killed less globally (by far) that the flu kills people in the US alone.
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) is common especially amongst the chronically ill. It is a VIRUS. According to the CDC, EBV is one of the most common human viruses.
So what do we do to support our bodies to overcome EBV? All of the above recommendations for CoronaVirus. EBV is so common that the fear part of it is not like CoronaVirus, so why is there so much chaos over CoronaVirus? See my point? Put it into a proper perspective.
Even in Wuhan China, they are using Traditional Chinese Medicine to cure the virus. Natural methods work. Use them!!
The Medical Treatment Unit of Wuhan’s Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), currently named COVID-19, Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a ‘Notice Regarding the Agreement to Recommend the Use of Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Pneumonia due to Infection from the Novel Coronavirus.’
~ How COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) is Currently Treated in China with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) 2/19/2020
Stay focus on truth, not fear-mongering stories.
GreenMedInfo is a database of evidence-based research. They break it down into understandable verbiage. Here are over a hundred abstracts (research articles)…
Nourish your soul, mind and body as we all walk through this globally.
I agree! Lets nourish our soul with good positive things! It will bring peace and comfort. Stress is never good for the soul. I pray that the Lord protects all of us against any sickness that tries to come against us. 🤗
God is in charge, not the virus! There is so much goodness to soak up right now and I know you are going after it as well.
[…] One of the greatest tools I know of support the immune system is MitoATP. It gives you the energy to hold up a compromised immune system from chronic illness. It builds and strengthens your mitochondria so your immune system has a leg to stand on. Read more on CellCore products to help us through this global virus crisis – CoronaVirus, Keeping It Simple To Fight Back […]