We have become quite detached from the earth, the grounding benefits of our Earth. Celebrate Earth Day by “earthing” or “grounding” for health benefits.
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How to get the most out of “exercise” when you have chronic illness and pain – Part 1
When we are in the middle of chronic illness and pain exercise is rarely a consideration. Transporting our hurting bodies from the bed to the sofa takes as much energy as a marathon. A daily shower is laughable but sometimes a requirement so we painfully get through it and need the afternoon to recover from the event. If you have never had chronic illness and pain don’t worry, we don’t expect for your brain to wrap around this. We would never wish for you to go through it. For those of us who have experienced it or have watched loved ones struggle through it, we get it. So, how in the world do you even consider exercise in this state? There is always a way! Continue reading How to get the most out of “exercise” when you have chronic illness and pain – Part 1