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Hiding Troubles During Chronic Illness

for all the problems you try to hide, let them float away

It is common for those who are chronically ill to hide many of their troubles. There are problems, worries, fears, needs, obstacles, and the list never ends. Our emotional state may become more fragile and we start to stuff the troubles. It bogs us down, keeping us stuck. Some of those troubles can be released in balloons. Certainly does not fix everything, but it significantly lightens the load of chronic illness.

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Rainy Days, Boots and Baggage; Keep Walking Through It

There are days that stop me in my tracks, emotionally. The physical part of being chronically ill seems like more than enough to deal with. Then the emotional element sneaks in whether we like it or not. Rainy days are a good time to work on a layer of healing the emotional baggage. These Boots Are Walking helped me walk right through this rainy emotional day leaving me with lighter baggage and a smile on my face. Continue reading Rainy Days, Boots and Baggage; Keep Walking Through It