There are days that stop me in my tracks, emotionally. The physical part of being chronically ill seems like more than enough to deal with. Then the emotional element sneaks in whether we like it or not. Rainy days are a good time to work on a layer of healing the emotional baggage. These Boots Are Walking helped me walk right through this rainy emotional day leaving me with lighter baggage and a smile on my face.
There are so many things in life we cannot change. Our past is one of them. As the years turn into decades the baggage just gets heavier when it does not get dealt with.
A lot of the disease that plagues our planet has a contributing factor of emotional baggage.
This is my least favorite to deal with when it comes to myself. And it is my favorite to deal with when it comes to the people I work with. I love watching the beautiful transformation of dealing with our pasts. I do not like doing it myself because it is some of the hardest work I have done. It is painful and it is easier to run. When we keep running, it catches up with us.
There are a lot of rainy days that my baggage feels heavier than usual. Little by little I am lightening my load and physically recovering better because of it.
I am of the strong belief that our pasts create baggage that is all there for a reason, slowly allowing us to grow into who we were meant to be.
If we did not have the fertilizer (the yuck-and-muck of our pasts), we could not have had the opportunity to grow strong healthy roots. We could not have grown to have the strength and courage that we now possess. With that strength and courage that has been fertilized for decades, I possess what it takes to move through illness instead of being overcome by it.
Darkness to Joy
There have been so many dark times in my life that the stories are endless. A small fraction of those dark moments have landed on MB Amazed. Today, instead of getting stuck in the stories or in the victimization, I want to experience the healing.
I have watched myself carry the baggage of everything that has happened; all of my guilt and the multitude of offenses that I have endured from others. There is plenty of blame to go around. But it is way past time to drop off some more of the baggage allowing the emotional element of my health to move forward without getting stuck.
It can be a painful process at times. Sometimes I choose to get lost in my thoughts that a movie can take me to.
Today is a rainy day. Woke up with more questions than I had answers. I chose to get lost in a movie instead of going to dark places in my mind.
Movies sometimes help me find the humor in the experience of simply being human. Life gets beyond messy for some of us. Unraveling the mess is actually impossible at some point. Yet when I see it from the eyes of a Hollywood movie, I can smile at the ridiculousness that life presents. It is, after all, just life. Keep walking!!!!!
Crazy In Alabama
Crazy In Alabama – Movie 1999 – Melanie Griffith – FREE if an Amazon Prime Member. Crazy in Alabama DVD
Silly outrageous Hollywood movie with a lot of truth thrown in. I realize how Hollywoodish this movie is. Most of it is simple entertainment that distracts us for the moment.
The outrageousness of this movie allowed me to stay above the dark places that my mind can go at times. There is a time and place for darkness, today was not one of them for me.
Life for some of us can be the most outrageous ride that others will just simply not ever understand. To find true freedom from the insanity, we can take full responsibility for our part in the mess and we can let go of the baggage others have bogged us down with.
We can carry the baggage with us, for a while. We will hear the voices of our pasts trying to haunt us. In time, we will let go of the baggage, put it in the proper context of our life story and move into freedom without it.
The movie is a fun way to see how we all carry baggage. For some, we literally carry it with us and it is a very personal journey that most will never understand. For others, there are prejudices that engulf us, as a society. Society gone mad!!
It does not matter if we lived in the 60’s insanity of black prejudice or in our personal insanity of everyday life. How and why humans think what they think will always be somewhat of a mystery. At some point when we can back away, see it from the sidelines. We can see how goofy we think sometimes and how nutty our whole world is. Always been that way, always will be. Our responsibility is to get our thinking worked out to the very best of our ability. We can do this!!
We can use chronic illness and the rainy days that come along to sort out another layer, getting us down the healing path a bit further. Today I did it with the help of a meaningful fun movie that allowed me to dump some more baggage while walkin’ in my boots!!
Find a way to move toward emotional freedom. “Life and death are only temporary, but freedom goes on forever.” ~ Crazy in Alabama Movie
These Boots Are Made For Walkin’
Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ – FREE song
I have no interest in walking over others but I sure do like this opening song to the Crazy In Alabama movie. I had fun this morning picturing myself walking out of my chronic illness and into the freedom of simply living life without baggage.
Walking out this healing journey means everything to me. Watching others walk out their healing journeys has become a mission filled with great adventure and rewards.
Keep walking this out (without hurting others). Put on your muck-kicking boots some days, your rain boots others, your high-heels and flipflops when you feel like it. Just keep walking this out.
Today’s video just simply must be Nancy Sinatra instead of me. This is way too much fun not to do. It is fun as long as we are not hurting others along the journey. It only sets us back when we trample over others with our walking boots.
Enjoy the walking, drop off some baggage, lighten the load, and get an attitude of freedom through healing. Healing our souls helps to heal our cells.
Maribeth Baxter, MBNC (Certified Mind-Body Nourishment Coach)
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HEALTH COACH DISCLAIMER: Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained and certified Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.