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Sumo Oranges

Food can be so much fun!! Sumo oranges are a type of seedless mandarin orange that is so incredibly delicious that the Japanese give them as gifts. Well, that’s what “they” said. Yet when you look at the two side-by-side you can see how sumo oranges got their name. Want to see?

This is one of those times when silly reaches a new limit. We are going to roll with it…

Most of you have heard about mandarin oranges. They are popular during our American New Years and I created a whole PDF a couple of years ago all about them, CLICK HERE, it’s FREE. Yet somehow I have completely missed the Sumo orange.

The biggest deal about mandarins is that they are super easy to peel and crazy good delicious. Well, now they have “Sumo Oranges” that are from the same family. They have a rougher peel and an odd TOP. You better believe this got my attention.

I know this is almost too funny to be true. There is a website specifically for Sumo Oranges, called Can ya believe it!!! I am a foodie so I think this stuff is super cool.

Sumo Citrus® are seedless mandarins that are so delicious they’re often given as gifts in Japan, the country where they were developed. Now available in the United States and Canada, each Sumo Citrus is hand-picked and packed for peak flavor. HURRY to your store and grab a taste today—our season ends in April!


I just think this is way too much fun with food. I have eaten a ton of mandarins but never one of these Sumo Oranges. I hope you are able to find some. Let me know if you do and what you think.

Food should be fun!! Enjoy.

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