Whether it is Valentines Day or any special day, think pink. Make something special out of anything that we can during chronic illness, add a bit of color.
Color adds a bit of spark to the humdrum monotonous days of the life of the chronically ill.

You already know that alcohol is not the best idea during any kind of illness. So let’s not bother going there today.
If you are going to drink though, let’s get some color in it. Pigment is healthy. Well okay, I am stretching “healthy” a bit in this situation but if you are going to drink we are going to have some fun with this.
In general, the deeper the color of pigment, the “healthier.” Pink wine (rose) would be the lightest pigment but it sure is a pretty fun color.
My thinking is, if you are going to drink, let’s say for Valentines Day, pick pink (or better yet, red).
To do this in the best way for your health, especially while you are ill, buy CLEAN WINE from Thrive Market.
Their delivery service is exceptional.
Don’t drink… then try other fun pink drinks, Valentine’s Hibiscus.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging and social media activities, I may receive monetary compensation for links to products from this post. However, I only recommend products that I personally love and use myself. If it is not good enough for me, it certainly is not good enough for you!!
HEALTH COACH DISCLAIMER: Health/Wellness coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained and certified Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health/wellness coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.