I have this hair brain idea – why don’t we brush our hair more often for better brains!! Brushing and combing our hair gets the blood flowing through our brain better which gets us thinking better which gets us moving towards greater health. Why wouldn’t we want to do this? It is so easy it is almost ridiculous. You can comb your hair in less than a minute to take a break from the computer. Gets the blood flowing better and you can get right back to concentrating harder at work.
We might as well have fun with this. Chronic illness and pain certainly are not a ball of laughs, might as well find a laugh anywhere you can get it. If you are in bed with chronic illness and pain, keep a brush next to you and break out in song any time you need your spirits lifted, and brush your scalp.
A professional scalp massage is ideal but most of us will not be doing that on a daily basis. Brushing your hair, combing your hair, using your own fingertips to massage your scalp can all benefit at some level.
Every year our lymphatic system drains 3 pounds of toxic plaque and chemicals out of your brain and your central nervous system. 13 veins lay on your head/scalp that acts as a brain drain and at the same time have the ability to absorb nutrients.
Health Benefits of Scalp Massage
- Stimulates your lymphatic system
- Enhances blood circulation
- Stress relief, relaxation, mood booster
- Promotes sound sleep
- Boosts hair growth and promotes a dandruff-free scalp
- Delivery of nutrients through these 13 veins
- Be careful what hair products you use – chemicals will hurt your brain.
- Use hair products that have nutrients and massage your scalp when you shampoo.
- Coconut oil based hair products provide nutrients to the scalp – Giovanni makes great hair products
- Essential oils that increase scalp circulation include rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, sage, and peppermint.
Tips and Tricks: get your scalp massaged daily
Get a massaging natural hair brush – one with the nobs on the end of the bristles. Use it in the morning and before bed to get the blood flow and lymph moving.
Get a manual head massager. Looks nutty but works great. Put one by your bed or your computer to remind you to use it daily. It looks almost dangerous but it actually has a very subtle feel to it.
Get brushing, twice a day. The balder you are, the easier it is to get to your scalp.
Get help! If you are too busy or too ill, find someone to give you a hand.
Do it yourself. Massage and scratch your head as often as you think about it. It is a relaxing way to take a break from looking at the computer screen.
Slow down while you shampoo your hair and massage your scalp for as long as you can.
Use healthy/natural hair products. There are many to choose from these days.
Add healthy nutrients to your shampoo routine: coconut oil and essential oils like peppermint and rosemary are my favorite.
And don’t forget; usually, what is good for you is good for your pet.
Dig Deeper & Learn More:
Did you scratch your head while reading this? Do you do something to your scalp every single day? Are you learning about brain health to keep your own brain alert?
Maribeth Baxter, MBEC
Donations accepted to serve others on their chronic illness journey. Maribeth Baxter, MBEC provides voluntary certified health coaching services to the financially limited during their time of crisis.