Food for health is a ball, and tasty. We can support and cleanse/flush our kidneys with appropriate pure foods. I especially like foods that support the kidneys, calming the adrenals at the same time.
You have two kidneys, located just below your rib cage one on either side of your spine. Your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys. Every day, our two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine. Taking good care of your kidneys also supports your adrenal glands.
There are many factors that can stress our kidneys:
“Most Americans consume three to five times more protein than they need, and two to four times (or more) fructose than is considered safe. These two dietary factors, alone and especially in combination, places significant stress on your kidneys and promote kidney disease and kidney stones.
Kidney stones are particularly linked to a diet high in processed fructose and other sugars, as sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body by interfering with calcium and magnesium absorption. The phosphorus acid in soda also acidifies your urine, which promotes stone formation.
Analgesic drugs are also known to damage your kidneys when taken in excess, and/or over long periods of time. This includes aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen — especially when taken in combination with alcohol, even if the amount of alcohol is small.” ~ Dr. Mercola ~ How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Problems With Food
Do a kidney flush/cleanse before doing a liver/gallbladder cleanse. It makes it easier by softening any kidney stones and gallstones before forcing the body to expel them in a liver/gallbladder cleanse.
A “stone breaker” may reduce or avoid the pain of passing stones. Chanca Piedra = “Stone Breaker” (contact me for pure form $19.95)
The proper order of cleansing organs: Colon, Kidneys, Liver, Lymph
Let’s back up even further. When we are chronically ill, our bodies are not equipped to do intense organ cleanses. We can easily overwhelm our liver’s ability to process the toxic substances that are being eliminated.
Please use caution and evaluate your current state of health before embarking on any kind of detoxification program. Consult your primary healthcare provider.
Real food to the rescue. Below is a list of supporting foods for the kidneys. If you are healthy enough to do a kidney cleanse/flush, then proceed and include kidney supporting foods. If you are NOT healthy enough, stick to only the foods and herbs to support kidney health. Listen to your body, stressing it is not the answer.
Get Prepared for Kidney Cleanse/Flush
Support your body by doing everything you possibly can: eliminating all toxins, chemicals, GMOs, MSG, refined sugar, refined/processed food, dairy, caffeine, fried foods, and saturated fats from your diet. Also, stop smoking and drinking at least a week before and after your cleanse.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables during your cleanse and refrain from animal meat and fats. Animal fats and protein contain a lot of uric acid.
As always, start with water, good old-fashioned water. One of the reasons you need to drink enough water is to ensure healthy kidney function. Kidney stones are commonly caused by chronic low-grade dehydration.
How much water: The standard is half your body weight in water daily. If you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water daily.
Do not drink city tap water, instead consume pure spring water. Another economical option is to filter your tap water with a quality filter. My all-time favorite is Aqua True Water Filter – no plumber for installation and no plastic water bottles to buy.
Food for Kidney Health
“Let food be thy medicine” ~ Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.
Our kidneys appreciate quality real food. The better the quality of food, the better the taste and the greater the benefits. Use organic, Non-GMO real food. Processed food, fillers, chemicals and refined sugar are all hard on our kidneys.
“Because your kidneys are responsible for maintaining the proper amount of potassium in your body, and when they’re not working well, your levels could become excessively elevated.” – read the full potassium warning by Dr. Mercola, scroll down to Potassium and Kidney Health
Pick some of the food items below and gently support your kidney without stressing them. Read the warnings and go at it slowly, especially if you have a chronic illness.
Dandelion Leaf & Root – fresh / Republic of Tea or Alvita Tea / Dandelion Leaf Tincture or Dandelion Root Tincture
- Dandelion root works on the liver, the leaves on the kidneys – both have strong detoxification properties
- Dandelion leaf is a diuretic that increases urination which contributes to removing toxins and waste from the kidneys
- It helps them to clean out waste, salt, and excess water
- It is a good source of potassium, which helps to flush excess sodium through the kidneys
- Dandelion root is thought to be a great kidney tonic and cleanser
- Dandelion roots are used to treat and prevent digestive and urinary tract problems, including kidney stones
- WARNING: Avoid using dandelion if you have gallbladder disease
- WARNING: Do not take dandelion for more than one month at a time
- WARNING: Dandelion might interact with certain drugs, such as those used for diabetes or high blood pressure
- Fresh dandelion greens and/or roots in salads and smoothies
Parsley & Parsley Root – fresh / frozen / dried / powder / tea bags / tincture / garlic & parsley soft-gel
- As a diuretic, it’s helpful for reducing the build-up of toxins in the kidneys and entire urinary tract
- Add chopped fresh parsley to your food
- Add to smoothies in small amounts, has a strong flavor
- As a tea, made from fresh or dried dandelion
Garlic – fresh / frozen / jar – minced / dried – minced / powder / odor-controlled capsules / fermented black garlic capsules
- Garlic is a natural diuretic that helps stimulate urine production and flush out the kidneys
Peppermint – fresh / frozen / dried loose-leaf / tea bags / Essential Oil of peppermint – organic 15 ml $21 contact me
- Peppermint has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive and urinary system
- It is useful for treating spasm problems in the urinary tract
- It also has strong antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help rid the kidneys of bacteria
- Essential Oil of peppermint – organic (contact me 15ml $21)
Juniper Berries – whole / tea / liquid extract / capsules / Essential Oil of Juniper 15 ml $45.39 contact me
- The Chinese, American Indians, and Europeans highly regarded Juniper as a diuretic (increasing urine flow) and blood purifying kidney tonic
- 17th century physician Culpeper wrote “Juniper provokes urine exceedingly, it is so powerful remedy against the dropsy (edema) that it cures the disease”
“The juniper berries are exceptionally healthy and can be consumed on a daily basis in various forms, such as teas, capsules, ointments or lotions. Researchers from the University of Michigan are on record saying that bitter herbs such as juniper do improve digestion by increasing saliva, digestive enzymes and stomach acid secretions that all contribute to breaking down food. On the other hand, they recommend taking them in moderation in order to make sure they don’t end up irritating the kidneys.” ~ Natural News/Mike Adams ~ Juniper berries are great for your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract
- WARNING: Do not take juniper continuously for more than four weeks
Goldenrod Root – liquid extract / Essential Oil of Goldenrod 5 ml $20.72 contact me
- Research has found that the herb tones the urinary tract and is helpful for detoxifying the kidneys
- Goldenrod root both nourishes and restores balance to the kidneys
- It increases kidney function, is a diuretic, mild anti-inflammatory & antispasmodic
- Induces sweating when taken in hot water
Yarrow Flowers (debate over flowers or root, both work) – tea bags / loose tea / liquid extract / capsules
- May help with kidney deficiency and stagnation
- Yarrow works as a diuretic, encouraging the kidneys to expel waste and water
- Contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties
- WARNING: Not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women
- WARNING: Some people will develop a rash from touching the fresh plant
- WARNING: Should be avoided by those with allergies to ragweed
Celery and Celery Root – fresh / celery root juice 6 jars
- Celery and celery root both increase urine production and clean out the kidneys
- Celery root may act as a stimulating tonic for the kidneys as it contains nutrients like potassium and sodium
- Consumption of celery and celery root aids in the prevention of kidney stones
Ginger Root – fresh / pickled sushi ginger / tea bags / ground shaker / powder / liquid extract / capsules / fermented ginger capsules
- Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants that help break down toxins in the body and keep the kidneys running smoothly
Tumeric Root – fresh / tea bags / powder / liquid extract / capsules
- Take daily but in reasonable amounts: “Turmeric can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and should be taken with caution by those who have a history of kidney stones, gallbladder disease, are on blood thinners, antacids, and some other medications.” ~ GreenMedInfo ~ Turmeric: Orange Is The New Black For Pain
- Ginger and turmeric tea can be made by boiling a few dashes of turmeric powder with peeled ginger root (or use tea bags of ginger & turmeric) (or use fresh ginger and turmeric)
- If consumed after lunch and dinner, the tea not only flushes toxins from the kidneys but also helps with digestion
Apple Cider Vinegar – bottled
- The citric, acetic, and phosphorus acid components in ACV help to break down and prevent kidney stone formation
Cranberries – fresh / frozen / dried / concentrate / powder / budget friendly capsules / Pure capsules
- Cranberries provide us with quinine, a compound that is sent to the liver
- Hippuric acid, which is converted from quinine, helps remove urea and uric acid from the kidneys and urinary tract
- It also helps discourage bacteria from attaching to urinary tract walls
Cherries – fresh / frozen / dried / tea bags or bulk tea bags / powder / acerola cherry powder / concentrate / juice bulk / budget-friendly capsules / chewable tablets / Pure cherry capsules
- Cherries have been shown to reduce inflammation when eaten daily
- Cherries and cherry juice relieve gout, which is caused by uric acid crystals in the joints; the same uric acid that can cause kidney stones
- Tart cherry juice is high in potassium, antioxidants and anthocyanins, chemicals that prevent uric acid from forming into crystals, according to Dr. Theodore Baroody in “Alkalize or Die”
- The potassium in cherry juice works like it does in lemonade, keeping the urine more alkaline with a higher pH, says Baroody
- Drink 8 oz of tart cherry juice diluted 8 oz water daily to protect the kidneys
- WARNING: Tart cherry is high in potassium, so if you have high levels of potassium already, this may not be a good idea for you
- WARNING: If you already have even mild kidney disease, do not use cherry for a kidney cleanse/flush
Blueberries – fresh / frozen / dried / powder / concentrate / supplement
Lemon Water
- First thing in the morning drink fresh lemon water to support your body, supporting the kidney
- Lemon water benefits the kidneys by aiding in digestion and detoxification
- Lemon juice can prevent kidney stones due to its benefits on the kidneys
- Read more about Lemon Water Detox
- If you need a sweetener – liquid stevia/ powder stevia / raw honey
- Cucumbers work as a natural diuretic and can help dissolve kidney and bladder stones
- Watermelon is a diuretic, encouraging urine flow that aids the removal of toxins from the kidneys
- The high potassium content helps break down kidney stones so wastes can be removed through normal urination
- Help flush uric acid and other waste products from the kidneys
- Sprouts help flush out the kidneys because they contain so much water
- If you have never sprouted sprouts, it is super easy – try this simple mix that is easy to start with: 3 Part Salad Sprout Seed Mix; Radish, Broccoli & Alfalfa – organic
Kidney Beans
- Kidney beans and peas contain a vital amino acid called arginine that helps cleanse the kidneys of ammonia
Beets – fresh / powder / budget-friendly capsules / fermented beet capsules
- Beets support the kidneys, the adrenals and also cause your body to increase circulation
- Beets are high in nitric oxide, which naturally cleanses the blood
- Use a high-quality protein powder with beet powder
Spinach – fresh / powder
- Spinach & beets, in appropriate portions, can help detox the kidneys and your body overall
Seaweed – fresh / Seaweed Snack Sea Salt / Seaweed Snack / Dulse Flakes / kelp powder / budget-friendly kelp capsules / fermented chlorella tablets / Mercola Spiru-Blue tablets
- As the most nutrient dense food on the planet; specifically for kidney health it increases urine output
- Dulse Fakes can be sprinkled on any meal, especially good on salad and oriental dishes
- Wakame Dried Seaweed or Wild Atlantic Dulse in a slow-cooker with vegetable or bone broth provides extra nutrients
- Spirulina and chlorella (byproduct of seaweed) can help to detox the body from heavy metals which help cleanse your kidneys
- Spirulina powder or chlorella powder – add 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon to water, juice, or smoothie in the morning
- Seaweed salad is a unique taste but worth a try – I happen to like it in small amounts – some restaurants serve it
- Kelp noodles are a fun food made from mineral-rich sea vegetables; raw, gluten-free (can use as “pasta” or great replacement for rice in oriental dishes)

Herbs for Kidney Health
Nettle – Stinging Nettles – liquid extract / stinging nettle tea
- Stinging Nettles can start to filter out extra fluids through the kidneys
- High in Vitamin C so it helps filter out extra fluids through the kidneys
Rehmannia – liquid extract
- Rehmannia may help cleanse the kidneys according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Uva Ursi Root – tea bags / liquid extract / budget-friendly capsule
- Uva Ursi is an astringent that can soothe and tone the urinary tract and cleanse the kidneys
Burdock Root – tea bags / liquid extract / budget-friendly capsules
- Burdock root elevates the rate of urination
- Burdock root can help to remove waste from the blood and body
- Taken internally, this root promotes sweating and the elimination of harmful high levels of uric acid via the kidneys
- Burdock root is rich in flavonoids and bitter glycosides and its high levels of lignans and inulin have shown proven anti-inflammatory activities
- Can help remove accumulated waste products
Marshmallow Root – tea bags / powder / liquid extract / budget-friendly capsules
- Soothing herb, marshmallow root may calm the tissues of the urinary tract
- A gentle diuretic that encourages urination
Horsetail – tea bags / liquid extract / budget-friendly capsules
- Horsetail has diuretic properties; it’s helpful for increasing urine output to flush the kidneys and urinary tract
- It’s also an antioxidant and offers that realm of benefits to the kidneys and renal system
Red Clover – tea bags / liquid extract / budget-friendly capsules /
- Diuretic that stimulates waste removal from the kidneys
Fun With Food
Even a kidney cleanse can be fun. Use enjoyable real food to cleanse your kidneys. Organic is always best.
Make your own cranberry or blueberry juice in a juicer and add water (sweetener: fresh apple and/or stevia. Add a small “finger” of turmeric/ginger in the juicer while you make it. You can also make it in a blender and then strain it.
Cranberry & Blueberry Smoothies
- Use fresh or frozen cranberries and/or blueberries
- Add coconut milk – NOT low-fat
- Add fresh turmeric/ginger
- Add cucumber, and/or celery
- Add sweetener: stevia, banana, apple
- Add a protein powder to reduce sugar spikes
- Optional – added beet powder in high-quality pure protein powder with BEETs
Black Cherry Smoothie Bowl
- Make a black cherry smoothie with
- a high-quality protein powder
- and/or pure protein powder with BEETs
- Add shredded coconut
- Add raw almonds
- Add cacao nibs
- And fresh black cherries on top
Watermelon Drink
- Place watermelon in a blender
- Add coconut cream so you do not have as much of a sugar spike
Kidney-Flush Salad
- Dandelion greens – slightly chopped
- Parsley – chopped
- Beets – spiralized or grated
- Carrots – spiralized or grated
- Red onion – sliced or chopped
- Kidney beans – canned or home-cooked
- Fetta cheese – crumbled on top
- Pumpkin seeds
Kidney-Flush Salad Dressing
- 2 teaspoons of organic olive oil
- 3 teaspoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar
- Twist of freshly grounded peppercorns or dash of ground pepper
- Dash of pink Himalayan salt to taste
- Honey – raw organic – only if you have to for taste
- dried cranberries
- dried blueberries
- juniper berries
- nuts: pecans / walnuts / Brazil / almonds
- seeds: pumpkin
- carob nibs or cacao nibs
Supplements for Kidney Health
Budget Friendly: Nature’s Way Kidney Bladder there are 2 bottles for $16.35, total 200 capsules. Ingredients: Ginger (root), Juniper (berry), Marshmallow (root), Parsley (leaf), Uva Ursi (leaf), Cramp Bark (bark), Goldenseal (aerial parts)
Better Version: Standard Process
Best Version: Designs for health – UT Synergy – Hibiscus + Nettle + Horsetail for Urinary Tract Health
Auryveda Version: Banyan Botanicals – I know these are tablets instead of capsules but Banyan is my exception for tablets because of their quality
Chanca Piedra = “Stone Breaker” (contact me for pure form $19.95)
- Chanca Piedra, grown in the rainforest, has been used as a treatment for gallstones and kidney stones, urinary infections, and antiviral applications for generations
- If you happen to have Babesia (a common co-infection of Lyme Disease) you might want to listen to Dr. Lee Cowden about Chanca Piedra for Babesia
Dandelion – organic – Republic of Tea or Alvita
Parsley – organic – Celebration Herbals
Nettles – organic – Nettle Tea by Celebration Herbals
Uva Ursi – organic – Budda Teas
Burdock Root – organic – Budda Teas
Marshmallow – organic – Celebration Herbals
Horsetail – organic – Budda Teas
Red Clover – organic – Budda Teas
Combo tea specifically for kidney-health – organic – Yogi Organic Roasted Dandelion Spice Detox Tea or Organic India Tulsi Cleanse or Traditional Medicinals Tea Everyday Detox
When was the last time you did a kidney flush/cleanse? How many of these foods and herbs have you tried before?
Maribeth Baxter, MBEC (Certified Mind-Body Eating Coach)
Dig Deeper – Learn More
- Dr. Mercola – Veggies Work Better Than Drugs for Kidneys
- Natural News / Mike Adams – Kidneys news, articles, and information
- GreenMedInfo / Sayer Ji – Kidney damage evidence-based database
That’s a lot of good information. This makes sense, my husband takes heart medications, plus aspirin everyday(not low dose) doctor recommended. Has a history of getting kidney stones also. These medications over a period of time could be part of the answer to why he had high amounts of protein and blood in his urine.
Thank you for reading the details. There are tasty ways to help our own kidney health as long as we are aware of how it all works. As always, following doctors directions.