When was the last time you pulled out a paper and pen and hand wrote a thank you note? It does not happen much anymore. Through illness, we have many opportunities to be thankful for every little act of kindness that comes our way. It is an act of gratitude that can brighten your day as well as the recipients.
While we are home-bound during chronic illness we have many opportunities to do things we usually would not slow down to consider. Pull out a pen and paper and give it a try.
It is an act of gratitude. There is something that you can thank someone for.
- Did someone mow your yard because you could not do it yourself?
- Did you receive meals because you are not able to be on your feet?
- Did you have a visitor to relieve your isolation?
- Did someone offer to pray for you and your health?
- Did someone pick up your mail so you did not have to walk to the box?
- Has it been years since you have been able to wash your windows outside so you can have brighter days? Did someone come along and do it for you?
- Did someone pick up your medicine for you while they were in town?
- Did someone watch your children so you could rest?
Writing a quick letter of thanks helps foster a grateful heart. During what seems like endless years of illness, there are occasions that others have hopefully stepped up and given you a helping hand. I understand that you need even more help, I get it. What about the acts of help, generosity, and kindness that you have received? Even if it is a kind nurse at a doctor’s appointment. There is something in the midst of this illness journey that you can write a quick thank you.
Many of us had years during our illness that our hands did not work enough to sign our names much less write a letter. There are many ways to express gratitude to people who have helped you.
One gal that has had chronic illness and pain for over a decade straight cannot use her hands much at all. She found an app that lets her use a tool on the computer to create “cross stitch.” She loves it. She adds text on top of it and sends it out to others to brighten their days.
Thank you notes in any form are good for the soul, to the sender and the receiver.
What are your creative ways of saying thank you?
Maribeth Baxter, MBEC
Donations accepted to serve others on their chronic illness journey. Maribeth Baxter, MBEC provides voluntary certified health coaching services to the financially limited during their time of crisis.