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Planting a Tree for Future Generations

Have you ever planted a tree? I get great satisfaction and joy out of my yearly ritual. In my lifetime I will not see my efforts turn into a mighty oak tree but I know the potential for future generations. If I planted a fruit tree I would reap the benefits within a couple of years. If I planted a miniature Meyer lemon tree I would most likely have a lemon within a year or less. Taking into consideration my lack of a green thumb, I plant oak trees, they are easy to plant and sustain. Every year I see just a little growth and that cheers me on to keep on planting. Just like human growth, mighty ones grow a little at a time along their journey of life.

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Grow Strong and Reach the Stars

The mighty oak tree shows us what a little acorn, water and sunshine along with some fertilizer can produce. Have you noticed an oak tree recently? Have you noticed now tall they can get? How mighty and majestic they are? Have you ever tried to hug a hundred-year-old oak tree? The breadth and beauty of it is a reminder of the magnitude life can have, from fertilizer of all things.

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