Heart health can be enhanced with the simple and beautiful hawthorn berry. Most of us are not aware of the impressive ways this plant has been used to support a heart-healthy lifestyle.
State of Heart Health
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) declares heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities in the United States, including African Americans, Hispanics, and whites. For American Indians or Alaska Natives and Asians or Pacific Islanders, heart disease is second only to cancer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists cardiovascular disease (CVD) as globally the number one cause of death.
Ancient Days to Current Remedies
Since ancient Greece and Asia, every part of the hawthorn berry, including the flowers, berries, leaves, stems and even the bark, was used to make medicines.
“The phytonutrients of the hawthorn plant are the key to the way it helps your heart. It’s particularly valuable in the early stages of heart disease, from improving blood flow to the blood vessels around your heart and brain, to increasing tolerance to the heart muscle due to a lack of oxygen.
Related physical problems may also be alleviated, such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). In fact, taking hawthorn may offset more serious heart disease and postpone prescriptions for stronger heart medications.” ~ Dr. Mercola, Hawthorn Berry for Your Health
Food is fascinating. From taste to color to nourishment and medicine. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates
“The medicinal properties of hawthorn (Crataegus spp., a genus comprising approximately 300 species) have been utilized by many cultures for a variety of therapeutic purposes for many centuries. In the Western world cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become one of the single most significant causes of premature death. Echoing this situation, more recent research into the therapeutic benefits of hawthorn preparations has focused primarily upon its cardiovascular effects.” ~ NCBI – Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Hawthorn Plant Beauty
Hawthorn is grown as a berry and it quite beautiful, all year round.
Hawthorn in Use
A cup of hawthorn tea or drops of tinctures are both easy steps to take toward heart health.
Hawthorn berries, or “haws” as they’re often called, are used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. Make sure they are organic.
- Hawthorn berry powder in a smoothie
- Cut fresh hawthorns in a salad
- Hawthorn tea
- Tinctures for heart health
Make a tea from dried berries: Use 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon dried berries per cup of water. Soak the berries overnight to soften, then bring berries and water to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 – 20 minutes covered, then strain to drink.
Grocery List
Hawthorn Berries
Hawthorn Berry Organic Tea Bags
Hawthorn & Hibiscus Organic Tea Bags – 1 box
Hawthorn & Hibiscus Organic Tea Bags – 6 boxes
Hawthorn Berry Organic Powder — highly recommended
Hawthorn Sliced Organic Freeze Dried
Hawthorn Berries Dried Organic
Hawthorn Leaf/Flower Cut & Sifted Organic
There are therapeutic uses in the flowers and leaves as well. Tinctures and supplements may include the berry, flowers, and leaves.
Hawthorn Tincture Alchohol-Free
Hawthorn Supplement Capsules — exceptional brand name for supplements
Are you supporting your heart-healthy lifestyle with hawthorn?
Maribeth Baxter, MBEC (Certified Mind-Body Eating Coach)
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